Highest Goddess Shop
Highest Goddess Self Care Box

This Highest Goddess Self Care Kit is powered by Higher Vibration Remedies of course! All cosmetic and wellness products are infused with intention, love herbs and cannabidol / cbd.

Enjoy the following items in this box to assist you on your journey of self care, self love and your luxurious infused holistic lifestyle.

Incense $3.33
Infused Cuticle Oil $15.15
Glitter Joint Stash Box $11.11
Infused Gemstone Aromatherapy Fragrance Oil Roll-On $55.55
Infused Soap $5.55
Infused Lip Gloss $8.88
Infused Bath Soak $15.15
Infused Moonlight Menstrual Salve $22.22
Infused Gummies $35
Infused Tea $15.15
Infused 5 Capsules $11.11
Bic Lighter $9.99
Sage $5.55
Rolling Papers $4.44

Each box is carefully assembled

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